Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Power of Non- Verbal Communication

This video highlights every annoying non-verbal cue that can hinder your performance when doing a presentation.

Although the video is funny the issues highlighted are real such as nervous habits such as slouching, foot tapping and hand cletching. Carson Thaxton and Brian Boyleor the communications coaches even cover chewing gum, wearing loud clothing, and our personal favourite presenting when you have an annoying coughing; Tiffany knows alot of about that given her coughing fits. But, in all seriousness, the video is about putting the best you forward by avoiding doing things that will make you look unprofessional, and unprepared such as having too much paperwork in front of you when you are speaking.The emphasis is on ensuring that you remember the annoying fillers you may use such as long pauses, uhmmms or eventhough it was not mentioned, likes. Understanding these bad habits can lead to changing them, which in turn will make you look professional in meetings, interviews and in daily interactions with work colleagues.

We personally liked this video the most for its exaggerations of things that we have seen and done ourselves, which hindered ours and other people's presentations. Personally we have both had to adapt techniques to deal with these non- verbal communication issues for example practising a speech or presentation a few times to alleviate nervousness all together helps. We are sure that someone standing in front of you using fillers, fidgetting or looking unprepared can be a bit distracting. So even if you are interested in what they are saying, you focus more on whatever is distracting you and miss out on the meat of their presentation. That is why it is important to be aware of non verbal cues, and hone these skills especially when doing a presention. Practice in front of the mirror, with a friend or family member and be aware of the little things you do when you are nervous, it makes all the difference also to avoid wearing distarcting clothing try on what you are planning on wearing and get feedback. hope enjoyed the video we look forward to you comments.
ChuvaTV takes a deeper yet comical look at the power of non-verbal communication. 00:03:56 added on 15/07/2010 located at
Accessed February 13th, 2013.

Please answer the following questions.

1. What makes you nervous about presentations?
2. What nervous habits do you have?
3. How do you preventyour nervous habits from interferring with your presentation?

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