Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Non-Verbal Communication During Job Interview Part II: More About How to Use Nonverbal Communication in Hiring

We would like to continue discussing the topic of non-verbal communication during job interviews in this entry. Today we are going to share with you the article Believe What You See: More About How to Use Communication in Hiring, written by Susan M. Heathfield.

This article primarily described the significance of non-verbal communication during a job interview from the perspective of the interviewer.The article focused on non-verbal communication such as attentiveness, eye contact, facial expressions and body language. In this aricle, the author argued that a intervewer should watch the listening and interactive behavior of her candidate. The author agreed that an interviewer should hire a candidate who can comfortably put his portfolio on her desk to take notes, and who can listen to her questions and provide succinct answers. The author emphasized that facial expressions that do not match the words spoken can indicate serious discomfort or lying. The article emphasized that an interviewer should take these red flags seriously, to ensure the right person is hired for the job.

The information that this article conveyed to us was that for an interviewer, non-verbal communication is as critical as verbal communication. We recommend this article because it directly pointed out what types of non-verbal communication are warning signals to an interviewer.We believe it would be benificial for people to know these interview killers in order to avoid them, to get the career they are hoping to obtain. So, give the article a read and please try to avoid the non-verbal cues that convey unprofessionalism.

Believe What You See: More About How to Use Communication in Hiring, written by Susan M. Heathfield, posted on Accessed on Feb. 13, 2013.

Picture provided by: titled What are you trying to say?: Communication is More than Words.

Imagine you are an interviewer, please choose your favourable interviewee:

1. Which candidate would you hire?
     (a) who is staring at you during the whole interview
     (b) who never makes eye contact and look to a spot over your shoulder
     (c) who makes comfortable eye contact

2. Which candidate would you hire?
     (a) who taps his pen constantly
     (b) who stokes his hair every few minute
     (c) who focuses on the conversation

3. Which candidate would you hire?
     (a) who takes over your whole desk with his arms and accessories
     (b) who can comfortably put his porfolio on your desk and take notes without take too much of your space


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