Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Non-Verbal Communication During Job Interview Part I: How to Use Nonverbal Communication to Impress

We would like to introduce the article The Interview Advantage: How to Use Nonverbal
Communication to Impress
which is written by Alison Doyle.

This article contained two parts the first part is written by Alison Doyle the second part is called Believe What You See: More About How to Use Communication in Hiring which was written by Susan M. Heathfield. In this blog we will be discussing the first part of the article which covers the importance of non-verbal communication. It advocated that it is extremely important for the interviewees to present their non-verbal communication skills before, during or after the job interview. The second part delt with the details of the nonverbal communication for a job interview. Alison Doyle the author of The Interview Advantage: How to Use Nonverbal Communication to Impress used this article to list what to bring to an interview; such as portfolio or pad holder with a copy of resume, and work samples. Alison Doyle also listed what not to bring to an interview such as iPod, gum. Alison Doyle encouraged interviewees to make proper eye contact with the interviewer, smile, nod and other positive nonverbal communication. Alison also warned the interviewees about certain negative non-verbal communication, for instance leaning back, interrupting, letting one's arms fly around the room when one is trying to making a point.

We agree with the Alison Doyle's opinion that proper non-verbal communication during a job interview can help the interviewees impress the interviewers. Although we are already familiar with some ideas Alison mentioned in her article, there are still some suggestions that we have never heard before and appreciate them very much; for example, we did not know bringing soda or coffee to an interview as being a negative signal to our potential employers. Although, Alison Doyle's article was extremely helpful there were suggestions we disagreed with for example, Alison Doyle suggests not brining your cell phone to an interview however, in reality, it is very unlikely for people to their cellphone or smartphone at home, or in the car if they drive to the interview. Also, for some people going out without their cellphone can trigger anxiety. So we think it would be more realistic to suggest interviewees to shut off their cellphone during an interview other than not taking it with them.

In all. we valued the suggestions given by Alison Doyle in The Interview Advantage: How to Use Nonverbal Communication to Impress. We believe that it will be helpful for people to utilize the skills mentioned by Alison during an job interview to present their best possible self in an interview.

The Interview Advantage: How to Use Nonverbal Communication to Impress, written by Alison Doyle, posted on

Picture provided by: titled What are you Really Saying?

Please choose Yes or No to the following questions:

1. Would you bring gums for a job interview?                                                   
    A.Yes        B.No

2. Would you bring soda or coffee for a job interview?
    A.Yes        B.No                        

3. Would you laugh before the interviewer does it first?                                    
    A.Yes        B.No

4. Would you listen to the interviewer carefully without interrupting her? 
    A.Yes        B.No

5. Would you lean back during a job intervew?                                         
    A.Yes        B.No

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